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Friday, March 28, 2025

Dreams Unleashed: A Long Road to Over Dinner


I've been chasing dreams for decades—painting them, pondering them, even filming them. Check out my old YouTube video, “Dream & Grow Abundant,” from years back. It’s a glimpse into how deep this rabbit hole goes. But here’s the kicker—working with my sister Chrissy on final edits for Over Dinner & Other Strange Enchantments made me realize even my closest family didn’t know how much I’ve been exploring the dream state until this book started taking shape.
As a visual artist, I don’t have an opportunity to spell out my paintings. I've always expected them to just speak. It should really be no surprise folks missed the full story. Now, with the book dropping April 18, it’s all coming clear—30 years of visions, from sod farms to crystal portals, in vivid color plates. Stay tuned—it’s almost here!
Fine Art Prints available at

Copyright © 2025 Robert Girandola Studio, LLC

Monday, March 24, 2025

Dreams Take Flight: Unveiling Over Dinner and Other Strange Enchantments!

Friday night I threw a St. Patrick’s party to soft-launch Over Dinner and Other Strange Enchantments, and wow—what a night! More than 50 dreamers joined me, buzzing about the book and snapping up prints. Ten folks already want copies, and it’s not even out yet—April 18 can’t come soon enough!  

This memoir’s been 30 years in the making—visions from my childhood OBE at 10, scribbled in journals, painted in oils. Nine Plates bring it to life, blending lucid dreams and quantum leaps. The party showcased the art—prints now live at, linked to Fine Art America.

From $20 prints to the $12,500 Over Dinner original, it’s all there. The website’s revamped too—check it out! I’ve harmonized it with X, Instagram, and this blog, plus my recovered YouTube channel. St. Patrick’s day bash was just the start—traffic’s building, and I’m thrilled you’re along for the ride. Stay tuned for more, and grab prints to hold a piece of the dream before the book hits Amazon!

Copyright © 2025 Robert Girandola Studio, LLC

Fine Art Prints available at

Saturday, September 10, 2011

We Draw Strength From Each Other

Thursday, August 18, 2011

LMT Veterans Square Labor Day Groundbreaking (5:30 pm) and Concert (6 pm) - Mon., Sept. 5th

Featuring the Pennsbury Community Band - Veterans Square Park, corner of Edgewood and Heacock Roads, Lower Makefield, Pennsylvania

Please plan to cap off your summer at our First Annual Labor Day concert at Veterans Square Park. The event is free, but we definitely need the community’s help to build Veterans Square Monument, and honor those who bravely serve, and have served our country. We will gladly accept purchases of Freedom Pavers so residents and businesses can be a permanent part of the monument. We have beautiful and whimsical eagles to auction off that were painted by the Artists of Yardley – replicas of the bronze eagle that will grace the monument, and are currently on display all over Lower Makefield and Yardley. There will be lovely basket raffles, 50/50’s and food and drinks available to purchase.

We want to make this monument and park an uplifting gathering place for our community to come together and honor those who served our country, and made it possible for us to live the lifestyle we live today. Please join us in support on Labor Day – bring family and friends and a chair or blanket for a pleasant evening. Consider purchasing a Freedom Paver with family, neighbors, your son or daughter’s school, boy or girl scout troop, local sports team, community group, or religious organization.

Please see the attached flyers for details and come join us! Email us with your guesses of the 12 “Eagle Sightings” around town for a chance to win prizes -

Kind Regards,
The LMT Veterans Committee
Honor – Celebrate - Educate

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Please don't go...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Girandola at New York State Museum

For Immediate Release

June 22, 2011

New York State Museum in Albany, New York received into their permanent collection “Remnants of a Memorial” by 9/11 sculptor Robert Girandola of Yardley, Pennsylvania.

On Thursday June 9, 2011 Craig Williams, Curator of History, at the New York State Museum met acclaimed sculptor and painter Robert Girandola at Engine 6 in New York City to take receipt of his work “Remnants of a Memorial.” This 60” x 60” mixed media masterpiece started as the “under-drawing” for Girandola’s bronze memorial, currently installed in New York City on Beekman Street. Both works honor four firefighters from Engine 6 who lost their lives rescuing others on 9/11. Williams and his team collected over three hours of raw footage interviewing firefighters from Engine 6, one of the widows and Girandola, detailing the eight-month journey from concept to delivery of the bronze memorial. “It was a very moving day,” Girandola describes. “From the moment in early May when Mark Schaming (Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs) and Craig Williams saw the work “Remnants of a Memorial” they knew they wanted it to be part of their 9/11 exhibit up in Albany.” The piece is intended to reside near The State Museum’s significant collection of material from the World Trade Center and objects from the international response to the events of September 11, 2001, which tells the story of that day and its aftermath. The World Trade Center: Rescue, Recovery, Response details the history of the World Trade Center, the September 11 attacks, the rescue efforts, the evidence recovery operation at the Fresh Kills facility, and the public response to the September 11th events. The exhibition includes many objects, images, videos, and interactive stations documenting this tragic chapter in New York and America's history. “For me,” Girandola continues “Remnants of a Memorial” is a counterpoint to the bronze that now hangs in New York City. Whereas the bronze symbolizes the strength of the firefighter’s courage, “Remnants” speaks to their soul, to what we lost that day and to the devastation of the living. I am honored that this will be on permanent display to help contribute to their (NY State Museum) amazing collection”

New York State Museum plans to edit the raw footage of all the interviews to present the video as part of an interactive display alongside the mixed media masterpiece “Remnants of a Memorial.” For further information please contact Mark Schaming, Director Of Exhibitions & Public Programs at 3023 Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York, 12230 e-mail: or Craig Williams, Curator of History, e-mail: . Go here for more information on the New York State Museum permanent exhibit The World Trade Center: Rescue, Recovery, Response:

Robert Girandola is a painter and sculptor with an MFA from Columbia University. He has exhibited and has been collected both nationally and internationally including twice being accepted into the prestigious “Art of the Northeast” in New Canaan, Connecticut. He is currently the sculptor for the Lower Makefield Veteran’s Monument in Lower Makefield, PA. He can be contacted by e-mail: More work by the artist can be seen at .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

2nd Annual Veteran's Monument Fundraiser


We’re already at $90,000!

Featuring Bill Clement, NHL and Flyers Player for 11 years

Thur., April 7, Yardley Inn, 7 to 9 pm

Bill Clement is also an actor and motivational speaker and will discuss the Flyers season, upcoming playoffs, and answer questions. A special menu will be provided, courtesy of Chef Eben Copple. There will be music, basket raffles, and silent auction items including merchandise from the Flyers and the
Phillies, a special bottle of Dom Perignon champagne, a limited edition print by local sculptor Robert Girandola of the 9/11 bronze memorial plaque he created for NYC engine co. 6 in honor of the 4 firefighters lost that day, and much more. Robert is sculpting a life-size bronze eagle for the monument.

Suggested Ticket Donation $45 for adults; children 12 and under $22.50. Tickets will be available via our website or via check made out to LMT Veterans Committee and mailed to 1100 Edgewood Rd., Yardley; and at the Yardley Inn. For more information, please call 267-274-1195 or email This promises to be a fun-filled evening!



Help us honor veterans of the past, present and future in a peaceful park setting where residents can gather with family, friends and neighbors for public events or on their own. Help us educate the children of our community about the sacrifices made by our service men and women. The site is Veterans Square Park on the corner of Edgewood and Heacock Roads.

Purchase a brick or granite paver with the name of your family, business, a veteran or a loved one –Visit our website or call 267-274-1195, or mail a donation to the LMT Veterans
Committee, 1100 Edgewood Rd., Yardley, PA 19067.

Honor – Celebrate – Educate

Monday, January 10, 2011

'My Father's Field'

This piece is 5' high by 6' wide and will be the culmination of many of my techniques. It will include both oil and acrylic and mixed media. A landscape that touches on my childhood memories as well as adult themes of awakening and the dream state.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Honor Is a Force Unto Itself

I am an artist. I paint. I sculpt. I make things for people to look at. If I do it right, in the looking, something happens to the person that makes them different for looking. When I write or blog; though, I find myself not writing about my work so much, but about the things that make me who I am. I think it is a round about way of talking about my art. Today's story is about a man who embodies honor. Often it probably seems to him, honor for honor's sake. He has lost so much and has experienced pain beyond which we can understand. Of his character, honor is one element which stays with him even when he doesn't know if it matters anymore. It does though. It moves the people around him, like a force of nature.

My friend Al, who I now call brother is a firefighter from NYC. If you haven't met a firefighter from NYC you are missing out on some of the finest character on the planet. Al was supposed to be at work on the day the towers fell. By chance, he was not. When he saw the news on the television his first instinct was to race at over 100 miles per hour down an empty highway to rescue or be with his fallen comrades. There was nearly no one to rescue. He asked me one night while I was working on the Engine 6 sculpture if I could imagine losing 30 of the closest people in the world to me - I simply said no, I could not.

As the faces of the Engine 6 sculpture continued to take shape, and I worked my way down to Paulie's hand, my aged mentor Laszlo Ispanky visited. In an inspired moment I blogged about earlier, Laszlo cut the lifeline into the firefighter's hand. I told that story to Al and he smiled. I could tell it meant a great deal to him. I still didn't know what 'honor' was though. I was learning this by being in his presence.

Four years later, almost to the month. My mentor died after living a full life. His sculptures circle the globe. He has honored actors and sports figures, politicians and world leaders - works collected by a sitting US President, the Pope and more. When he died, though, at such an old age there were few there to honor the man. I was asked to give the eulogy. On my way to the church a thought occurred to me. I thought, he worked on Paulie's hand, I should tell Al I'll be honoring him that morning. I texted Al. In a few minutes he texted me back 'Go slow to give me time to be there.'

I delivered my eulogy, slowly. I thought there was no way Al could make it - being over an hour away. Why would he? How would he? Delivering the words, I kept glancing to the back of the small church - no sign of him. My eulogy ended, the service ended. Laszlo's ashes were being brought out to the waiting limousine. The doors slowly opened. As the sun broke into the chapel I caught its' glint off a white hat. As I moved closer I saw the striking figure of my friend and brother, Al. He was standing there in full dress, saluting the ashes of my fallen mentor as they were carried to the limousine.

Honor is a force unto itself. It transcends a person and it moves and shapes the world. Why was Al there? Because Laszlo sculpted the hand of his fallen brother. This incredible artist who I thought should have the equivalent of a state funeral for all the work he's put into the world had something far better, something I couldn't have conceived of before that day. He had a man of honor, saluting him on his final journey.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Spanish Dancer

I have blogged about my son before. His efforts out on the 'pitch'. I am certainly proud of him and all his hard work at achieving his dream. Today, though, I learned something about my daughter that brings me to tears.

Emma is a dancer. It is hard to comprehend that sentence if you don't know a dancer. She is fourteen. She has been dancing since four. This year her schedule is six days a week. She has Friday night off, but Monday through Thursday she dances, and Saturday and Sunday 11 am to 6pm. Emma is a dancer.

Last March something very terrible happened to her calf muscle. It locked up. Every time she went on point, a shooting pain radiated up her leg. She struggled to complete her final performance last year, and that was the last she could go up on point. Emma is a dancer, and the tears that followed were many.

She started with a physical therapist last year. Several nights a week she would go and have the knots in her calf rolled out. I'm not sure if I even know how painful that was. Knots the size of a golf ball were almost mercilessly rolled out of her calves, over and over. Every day she would see, could she go up on point today? No. Every day I told her, it's OK love, let your body heal. Listen to your body, it's telling you to slow down, to heal. Every day she worked at it, and several times a week worked with her sports therapist. Emma is a dancer.

Slowly, and with dedication and focus she began to heal. Each day as she came home I would ask her, how did you feel today? Have you gone on point? Just today I learned she was selected for 'Spanish Dancer' in the American Repertory Ballet's Nutcracker at the McCarter Theater in Princeton. This dance is one of the most beautiful I know. I am so proud of my Emma. Did I mention she's a dancer?

All contents of this website Copyright 2008 Robert Girandola Studio   |   Webiste Design by LM Designing