Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dust Bowl and Water

The piece 'Ogallala' started out very strange indeed.  I am working on a plywood panel and had fully intended to use concrete.  I began priming the panel with a regular gesso panel and then started using charcoal (one of my favorite mediums of all time) to sketch out the composition - which basically is a horizon line, dust above, water below - but it 'morphed' into this strange figurative piece which reminded me much like a Modigiliani - but not so elegant :) - It was a male figure, very elongated and the head was a bit larger than it should be.  It was expressive in a way, but I don't know if that was in a creepy way :).  I had no idea where this piece was going.  Anyway, I later, made up some concrete and started painting with the concrete and so the under-image will be totally obliterated in the final piece - I don't know if it will influence the final 'feel' of the piece - that remains to be seen.  I've got to finish painting the water underneath, which will be done with a blue pigment suspended in Amber Varnish - the purpose of that being to create a real feel of water.  And surrounding that, I've got some mulch from Home Depot which I am going to suspend in fifty coat.  If it comes out like it is in my mind, I'm very excited to see it finished.


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