Saturday, December 27, 2008

Understanding Manifestation (Part III)

(Part I & II Below) 
Why am I telling this story? In a way, I am trying to understand what works and what doesn’t work by tracing through my own thought processes. I don’t want to appear to have all of the answers. In fact I’m hoping that others will be inspired to explore their own inner-workings and perhaps share stories that will help us all to understand how to affect positive change in our own lives and the lives of others. I believe the times that lie ahead will be intensely challenging and that only through patience and understanding will we be able to use this ‘power’ of the human mind. In the piece I am working on ‘Ogallala’ – it is a story of a vast amount of water that existed directly under the feet of those who suffered the Great Depression and the terrible dust storms. The analogy and relevance is so powerful, that right within our grasp are the tools we need to solve any problem – it is a ‘Law of Nature.’ As I mentioned earlier, my experience with actively ‘manifesting’ uncovered enough direct evidence for me to say without out doubt, thought directed action is real and can be actively applied.        
After listening to Napoleon Hill, I realized a few of my mistakes. While I wanted to be an artist contributing my art to the world, I didn’t fully believe it was possible. I would always ‘do the math’ in my head thinking, okay if I did this piece I could probably get this much – hmmm, this much times x number of pieces a year, hmmm, could I do that many? Would I be emotionally and physically drained, could I find that many people who would buy that much? So on and so forth. So, my first ‘work’ was to stop myself from that kind of thinking, literally refuse to engage in it. When it began in my mind, I would stop in mid-sentence and imagine what was possible instead. My second big mistake was thinking I had to be ‘like’ somebody. While it is important to have role models, I think it is equally important (if not more) to begin to realize you must be yourself – you and you alone are unique, and like a person I met on Twitter (Maria Andros) taught me – there are thousands of people who have waited their whole life to meet you.
The speed of ‘flow’ is uncanny. Within a day or two of beginning this transformative thinking the little post arrived of the firefighters search. I read it and the floodgate of visions opened up in my mind. I literally ‘saw’ the unveiling of the final piece. I wrote back to the unknown person, in almost one draft – and I was very clear to them that I had never done a bronze sculpture in my life. I had done some sculpting, I explained, but I ‘knew’ I could do this. That one line had significance as I discovered later – and further reinforced the concept ‘be yourself.’ On many occasions throughout the process I learned over and over again that it was me being honest and direct that brought me to the point of delivering my first sculpture to NYC on a beautiful October day – and consequently some fear had overtaken me afterwards that caused problems, but also a significant discovery. I am sorry to keep stopping the story but I am advised not to make a blog post too long and I’ve already blown that rule time and again - [To be continued…]


At December 28, 2008 at 3:01 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I'm now inspired to listen to my inner urgin as I write about what's bothering me this holiday season. I hope to manifest an answer that will help me process this.

I found you at

At December 31, 2008 at 3:08 PM , Blogger Robert Girandola said...

Thank you Yvonne - I really appreciate your comments - and yes, the heartsonghymnal is a great blog - she has challenged me to write 10 scraps of honesty which, honestly, is kind of intimidating but I'm going to give it a shot!


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